4-Methyl-4-Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone)

4- Methyl -4 Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone) (C12H16O) is an organic compound that is clear colorless to pale yellow liquid. It is formed by the reaction of Benzene reacted with Mesityl oxide in presence of Aluminium chloride to get Veticone.4- Methyl -4 Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone) has application in flavour & fragrance industries. It is also used in cosmetic industries.

Properties of 4- Methyl -4 Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone)

  • Molecular formula: C12H16O
  • CAS No.: 7403-42-1
  • The molecular weight of 4- Methyl -4 Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone)is 176.3 g/mol.
  • The boiling point of 4- Methyl -4 Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone)is 252 °C.
  • Purity by GC: Not less than 97.00 %.
  • Appearance: Colourless to pale yellow liquid.
  • Refractive Index (@20c) 1.5080 1.5120
  • Relative Density (d20/4) 0.9700 0.9760

Applications of 4- Methyl -4 Phenylpentan-2-one (Veticone)

  • Veticone used in perfumes due to its fresh woody aroma, enhancing the natural fruitiness of gardenia flowers.
  • Veticone used as formulations for agarbatti, aromas, soap and talcum powder.
  • Veticone used in reconstitution of Patchouli Oil.